





今岡准教授が令和5年度 錯体化学会学術賞を受賞










Nature Communications誌に掲載された原子数明確な担持白金クラスターの化学合成の成果に関する記事が9月27日発行の化学工業日報(4面)に掲載されました。
Nature Communications
化学工業日報 (2017年9月27日 4面)

Platinum clusters with precise numbers of atoms for preparative-scale catalysis


T. Imaoka, Y. Akanuma, N. Haruta, S. Tsuchiya, K. Ishihara, T. Okayasu, W.-J. Chun, M. Takahashi, K. Yamamoto
Nature Commun. 2017, 8, 688. 原子数明確な白金クラスター担持触媒の大量合成
Subnanometer noble metal clusters have enormous potential, mainly for catalytic applications. Because a difference of only one atom may cause significant changes in their reactivity, a preparation method with atomic-level precision is essential. Although such a precision with enough scalability has been achieved by gas-phase synthesis, large-scale preparation is still at the frontier, hampering practical applications. We now show the atom-precise and fully scalable synthesis of platinum clusters on a milligram scale from tiara-like platinum complexes with various ring numbers (n = 5–13). Low-temperature calcination of the complexes on a carbon support under hydrogen stream affords monodispersed platinum clusters, whose atomicity is equivalent to that of the precursor complex. One of the clusters (Pt10) exhibits high catalytic activity in the hydrogenation of styrene compared to that of the other clusters. This method opens an avenue for the application of these clusters to preparative-scale catalysis.

Finely controlled multimetallic nanocluster catalysts for solvent-free aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons


M. Takahashi, H. Koizumi, W. Chun, M. Kori, T. Imaoka, K. Yamamoto
Science Adv. 2017, 3, e1700101.

The catalytic activity of alloy nanoparticles depends on the particle size and composition ratio of different metals. Alloy nanoparticles composed of Pd, Pt, and Au are widely used as catalysts for oxidation reactions. The catalytic activities of Pt and Au nanoparticles in oxidation reactions are known to increase as the particle size decreases and to increase on the metal-metal interface of alloy nanoparticles. Therefore, multimetallic nanoclusters (MNCs) around 1 nm in diameter have potential as catalysts for oxidation reactions. However, there have been few reports describing the preparation of uniform alloy nanoclusters. We report the synthesis of finely controlled MNCs (around 1 nm) using a macromolecular template with coordination sites arranged in a gradient of basicity. We reveal that Cu-Pt-Au MNCs supported on graphitized mesoporous carbon show catalytic activity that is 24 times greater than that of a commercially available Pt catalyst for aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons. In addition, solvent-free aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons to ketones at room temperature, using small amounts of a radical initiator, was achieved as a heterogeneous catalytic reaction for the first time.



デンドリマーを用いたサブナノ粒子(クラスター)の精密合成について、大量合成につながる新しい技術として化学工業日報 (平成28年11月8日) 6面に関連記事が掲載されました。



(独)科学技術振興機構の戦略的創造研究推進事業 (さきがけ:超空間制御と革新的機能創成領域)に、今岡准教授の研究提案「デンドリマー超空間によるクラスター形状誘導と機能創出」が採択されました。2015年10月より研究がスタートします。