Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science Institute of Innovative Research TOKYO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Activity of Each Group

Activity of Each Group

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  • Activity of Each Group

Molecular synthesis

Nakamura-Okada Group

Exploring and Controlling Vital Function Using Designed Synthetic Molecules for Innovative Drug Discovery

Nakamura-Okada Group

Our research interests are focused on discovery of drug candidates for anticancer agents, development of new methodologies for target protein-selective modification in chemical biology, and development of efficient boron delivery system in neutron capture therapy of cancer. Our research is directed to interdisciplinary area based on organic synthetic technology to explore and control vital function for innovative drug discovery.

Prof. Hiroyuki NAKAMURA Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Satoshi OKADA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Kazuki MIURA Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Efficient Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Brain Tumor with Novel Boron Carrier


Molecular synthesis

Yoshizawa-Sawada Group

Creation of Aromatic Nanospaces as Functional Nano Tools

Yoshizawa-Sawada Group

In nature, protein-based nanospaces demonstrate highly selective recognition and highly efficient reactions in water even under mild conditions. Inspired by such excellent biosystems, the Yoshizawa group has studied "aromatic nanospaces" as new nano tools usable in water. The artificial tools provide unique space functions for the development of novel molecular science.

Prof. Michito YOSHIZAWA Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Tomohisa SAWADA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Yuya TANAKA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Lorenzo CATTI Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Development of a Polyaromatic Nanotool for Selective Dipeptide Recognition


Molecular materials design

Fukushima-Shoji Group

Inovative Functional Materials by Advanced Molecular Science

Fukushima-Shoji Group

Our research interest is directed toward the development of novel molecular-based materials by taking full advantage of multi-disciplinary research fields including organic, organometallic, polymer, and supramolecular chemistry. We design new functional molecular building blocks that exhibit electronic, optoelectronic, and even dynamic properties. We also develop methodologies to achieve controlled self-assembly of the functional molecules into well-defined molecular objects with a high structural precision from nano to macroscopic length scales. Through the works, we intend to establish new design concepts for innovative functions.

Prof. Takanori FUKUSHIMA Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Yoshiaki SHOJI Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Tomoya FUKUI Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Ryosuke TAKEHARA Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. Martin Colin John Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. Moreno Da Silva Sara


Latest Research
Construction of Zn-oxo clusters using rigid tridentate triptycene-based ligands


Molecular materials design

Nishiyama-Miura Group

Nishiyama-Miura Group

In our laboratory, we have studied the new concept of drug development based on fine-tuning synthetic polymers. We integrate the targeting functionality, stimuli-responsive functionality and drug conjugating functionality into the platform of synthetic polymers, thereby aiming to realize smart medicine. Our targets include realization of effective but non-toxic cancer treatment, practical use of emerging biomedicine, biofunctional imaging, and minimally invasive surgery in combination with medical instruments.

Prof. Nobuhiro NISHIYAMA Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Yutaka MIURA Researcher ID Profile
Visiting Assoc. Prof. Takahiro NOMOTO Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Yuto HONDA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Kyohei MUGURUMA Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Breakthroughs in Nanosized Contrast Agents and Drug Carriers Through Self-Folding Molecules


Molecular materials design

Shishido-Kubo Group

Emergence of new functions by molecular alignment control

Shishido-Kubo Group

We focus on fundamental understanding of the interaction between light and polymer materials from the viewpoint of innovative photonic applications, and create photofunctional polymer materials with precisely controlled molecular alignment.

Prof. Atsushi SHISHIDO Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Shoichi KUBO Researcher ID Profile
Asst.Prof. Kyohei HISANO Researcher ID Profile
Asst.Prof. Miho AIZAWA Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Effects of Dye-Doped Liquid Crystals by Liquid-crystalline Polymer-grafted Nanorods


Molecular functions

Yamamoto-Imaoka Group

Hybrid Chemistry Based on Atomic-level Programming for Advanced Metallo-nanomaterials

Yamamoto-Imaoka Group

Metal-organic hybrid nanomaterials have a limitless potential for synergistic functions like metalloproteins, because the organic frameworks have a significant diversity for design and synthesis and there are almost 110 inorganic elements as a substrates. However, we cannot yet freely assemble and hybridize their elements at the atomic level. The methodology for building fine-controlled nanostructures using the large variety of inorganic elements as raw materials will surely lead to the generation of yet unknown next-generation functional nano-materials. That is, the approach through "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Based on Atomic-level Programming" is one of the most important general strategy for the next-generation nanotechnology.
Our research aims to explore the methodology for the design and construction of fine-controlled hybrid materials through "Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Based on Atomic-level Programming", in which the chemical bonds and arrangements of metal atoms and ions are reversibly and precisely controlled. Our group is also striving to open up new field to create innovative future nano-materials, which will have an impact on the environmental, biomimetic, and energy sciences.

Prof. Kimihisa YAMAMOTO Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Takane IMAOKA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Tatsuya MORIAI Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Masataka YOSHIDA Researcher ID Profile
Visiting Assoc. Prof. Tetsuya KAMBE Researcher ID Profile
Visiting Assoc. Prof. (Lecturer) Takamasa TSUKAMOTO Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Design and synthesis of 'alloy sub-nanoparticle' showing the unprecedented functions


Molecular functions

Yamaguchi-Kuroki Group

Yamaguchi-Kuroki Group

The theme is the construction of the design method of chemical process systems from the viewpoint of the environment, energy and resources.

Prof. Takeo YAMAGUCHI Researcher ID Profile
Visiting Prof. Gopinathan M. Anilkumar
Assoc. Prof. Hidenori KUROKI Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Assoc. Prof. Shoji MIYANISHI Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Yuuki SUGAWARA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Hiroto OKUYAMA Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. Maxim SHISHKIN Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. Narayanaru Sreekanth Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. Janardhanan Jandas


Latest Research
Machine-Learning-Aided Understanding of Biomolecular Adsorption on Zwitterionic Polymer Brushes


Molecular bioscience

Tanaka-Yoshida Group

Tanaka-Yoshida Group

Molecular cell biology for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, which focuses on the regulatory aspects of cellular growth and metabolism.

Prof. Kan TANAKA Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Keisuke YOSHIDA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Kaisei MAEDA Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Natsuki Osaka Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Essential roles of the redox regulation system in plant photosynthesis


Molecular bioscience

Kitaguchi Group

Development of novel biosensors and analytical methods by protein engineering and chemical biology

Kitaguchi Group

In nature, many proteins exhibit high performances such as molecular recognition ability and catalytic activity, which are still difficult to emulate artificially. However, natural protein does not always have ideal property from the viewpoint of application to the continuous development of human society. That is why we aim at creating novel proteins with superior performances and the assays using them, through the rational design and molecular evolution, as well as chemical biological techniques.

Assoc. Prof. Tetsuya KITAGUCHI Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Bo ZHU Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Takanobu YASUDA Researcher ID Profile
IRFI Specially Appointed Prof. Toru HISABORI Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Thermostable OpenGUS enzyme switch for homogeneous immunoassay development


Molecular Advanced Chemistry

Tateyama-Ando Group

Computational & Data-driven Materials Chemistry (CD-Mach) for Energy and Environmental Issues

Tateyama-Ando Group

We are conducting computational and data-driven AI researches on microscopic mechanisms of battery, cell and catalyst, core components of energy and environmental materials science. In addition to the materials design, we are also exploring electronic and atomistic theories based on electrochemistry (redox chemistry), interface science (solid/liquid, solid/solid etc.) and ionics for more efficient energy conversion and storage leading to carbon neutral society. Besides, we are playing a central role in high performance computing (HPC) research, with supercomputers "Fugaku" and "Tsubame", for materials chemistry issues.



Yoshitaka TATEYAMA Researcher ID Profile
Assoc. Prof. Yasunobu ANDO Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Ryoma SASAKI Researcher ID Profile
Asst. Prof. Takeru NAKASHIMAI
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. Huu Duc LUONG Researcher ID Profile
Specially Appointed   Asst. Prof. ZHOU Zizhen Researcher ID Profile



Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices

Osakada Group

Osakada Group

Synthesis, structures, and properties of new materials composed of molecules or assembled molucules are investigated on the basis of inorganic and organic chemistry. Development and control of novel polymerization and oligomerization reactions have been investigated by design of transition metal complex catalysts and functionalized monomers.
Specially Appointed Prof. Kohtaro OSAKADA Researcher ID Profile


Latest Research
Multinuclear transition metal complexes having bridging Si or Ge ligands